the Clerk

Community grants now available.

The Parish council has been made aware of two Gloucestershire County council schemes which we believe will be of interest to local people. The first is the ‘build back better Councillor’ scheme, whereby community focused projects can receive funding. The application link is here: The other is a scheme to provide free trees for… Read more Community grants now available.

Blaisdon Parish Council Annual Assembly 1st June 6.30 pm

The Parish council intends to hold its Annual Assembly at the above time in the Blaisdon Village Hall. Questions from Parishioners in attendance are welcome, however COVID precautions must still be observed. The Aganda for this meeting can be found in our minutes and agendas page.

COVID ‘4 steps’ plan.

The national government is planning to implement sequential changes to the various lockdown rules from March 8th onward. Please read and observe the new restrictions detailed in the attachment here: Four Steps

GCC Media Release

20 March 2020 Community help hub launched to support residents Gloucestershire’s councils and partners have created a community help hub to connect local people who need help, with others who can provide the support they need. As further measures are put in place to delay the spread of Covid-19, local people have already started to… Read more GCC Media Release